Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

The SPELLERS Method is designed to help individuals with difficulty speaking because of Apraxia. When someone has difficulty speaking, they may not use verbal speech to communicate. They may rely on other methods such as gestures, facial expressions, or assistive communication devices. Additionally, these individuals have some speech but use it infrequently or have limited vocabulary. Their ability to communicate verbally is not sufficient for expressing complex thoughts and ideas. Also, these individuals may have speech but are unable to use it consistently or effectively. They might have difficulty forming sentences or conveying their thoughts clearly.

What do you specialize in?

We specialize in the Down syndrome population.

What is the process for this communication method?

Assessment: Each new client undergoes a comprehensive assessment to determine their unique communication needs and motor abilities. This includes evaluating their ocular motor (eye movements) and intentional motor (arm and hand movements) skills.

Motor Skill Development: The SPELLERS Method focuses on coaching the motor skills needed to point to letters on a letterboard. Practitioners work with clients to develop precise eye and hand coordination to enable them to accurately spell out words.

Spelling Practice: Clients engage in weekly practice sessions with the practioner where they use a letterboard to spell out their thoughts. These sessions are designed to be engaging and progressively challenging to help clients build confidence and proficiency with spelling as a method of communication.

Communication Expansion: As clients become more skilled at spelling, they can expand their communication. This includes expressing emotions, sharing ideas, and engaging in meaningful conversations.

Parental Involvement: Parents are integral to this communication Method. They receive training and support to help their children practice and communicate effectively at home. This collaborative approach ensures that communication skills are reinforced in everyday settings.

But what if my kiddo can’t spell?

Come anyways! From our clients, we have found that they already know how to read. We don’t teach spelling; rather, we coach the motor (eyes and arm) to poke through each letter which eventually leads to full communication where the person is able to convey much more than just their wants and needs.

What are your services?

Individualized Coaching: We offer personalized weekly coaching sessions to teach the SPELLERS Method to ensure that your child receives the attention and support they need to succeed.

Parent Training: We believe that parents are essential partners in this journey. Our training sessions equip you with the knowledge and skills to support your child’s communication at home.

Intensive Sessions: If you do not live in Phoenix, Arizona, we offer intensive sessions for out-of-town clients. Our clients and their families come to Phoenix and have four to six sessions in three days.

Online Mentoring: For our out-of-town clients, we offer online mentoring when the clients go home. We meet with the client and their parents via Zoom to go over the client’s progress. Our practitioners go over an individualized plan and strategies to best help the client succeed.

How do I know if this will work for my child?

You will never know if this will work unless you try. If you try, it could lead to a whole new world of opportunities for your child. What do you have to lose?

Do you take ESA?

Yes, we take ESA!